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In Brighton, MI

Begins October 1, 2021

Jesus said a lot about our world today...

Bible Prophecy reveals events happening today that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. This new study series will give answers to questions millions are asking. As the words of Jesus come alive, they give hope and reveal how prophecy speaks directly to our time. With the Bible as our foundation, prophecy becomes clear, establishes truth and proves relevant for our day. Discover peace, purpose and confidence as you attend Jesus On Prophecy in your area. Pre-register today!

Pre-register Today!

Reserve your seat for these upcoming meetings!


Brighton Church
228 S. 4th Street
Brighton, MI 48116
United States

  • Justin has lived as a student, teacher, pastor, and lecturer in his love for the Word of God and sharing its relevant prophetic messages for today.  Justin holds a bachelor's degree in Theology and a master's degree in Divinity.  He currently resides in Lansing, MI with his wife, Chelli and their three teenage children.

    Justin Ringstaff

    Dear Friend,  I want to personally invite you to "Jesus on Prophecy."  We are living in extraordinary times and Jesus speaks through Bible Prophecy especially to our day.  You will be amazed to see how the Bible itself unlocks its mysterious symbols and prophetic signs in a clear and simple way.  This seminar is designed especially for busy people to learn what Jesus reveals about the final days, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, Jesus' Second Coming and His final triumph over evil and suffering.  You will be encouraged to see how clearly Bible Prophecy reveals Jesus Christ and His love for you.

    Jesus says in Revelation 1:3, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."

    May this promise be for you and your family as you attend this powerful, life-changing seminar!


    Justin has lived as a student, teacher, pastor and lecturer in his love for the Word of God and sharing its relevant prophetic messages for today.  Justin holds a bachelor's degree in Theology and a master's degree in Divinity.  He currently resides in Lansing, MI with his wife, Chelli and their three teenage children. 

  • Please join us each evening as Vicki Griffin encourages us on the relationship between lifestyle and stress, brain health, and chronic disease.

    Vicki Griffin

    Vicki Griffin, MS, Human Nutrition, MPA, is the director of the Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention Series and Editor of Balance Magazine.  Her special area of interest is the link between nutrition, lifestyle, and brain health.  She lectures worldwide on the relationship between lifestyle and stress, brain health, and chronic disease.

    Vicki will be encouraging us each evening for 15 minutes in our health journey in these uncertain times.

  • Study Prophecy

    Jesus on Our Day in Bible Prophecy

    The Bible is no ordinary book. It speaks directly to modern times, and Bible prophecy specifically reveals events unfolding in today’s world. Come discover from the words of Jesus Himself the times we now live, what is soon to come, and His plan for you!
    HEALTH TOPIC: Engineered for Success

  • Explore Bible’s prophetic timeline

    Jesus on the Next World Superpower

    Explore an end-time prophecy that charts the course of world history, reveals where we are today in the Bible’s prophetic timeline, and unveils the next world superpower—all with pinpoint accuracy!
    HEALTH TOPIC: Lifestyle Links for Beating the Blues

  • Why do natural disasters

    Jesus Unveils the Great Controversy

    Why do natural disasters, terrorism, and violence continue to increase? Why does God allow tragedy and suffering? Learn about the cosmic conflict impacting earth and your life today! It is an important key in understanding Bible prophecy.
    HEALTH TOPIC: Who Can I Trust?

More Schedule Details

  • Jesus Reveals Earth's Final Messages

    HEALTH TOPIC: Free on the Inside: Beating Addictions

  • Jesus on the Final Judgment Hour

    12:00 - 1:00 Tasty Homestyle Meal Provided
    1:00 - 2:00 HEALTH TOPIC: Foods for Thought: Brain/Gut Connection

  • Foods for Thought: brain / gut connection

    presented by Vicki Griffin

  • Jesus on the Anti-Christ Agenda

    HEALTH TOPIC: Immune Health: Your Firm Foundation

  • Jesus on Religious Tradition

    HEALTH TOPIC: Hurried, Worried, and Buried

  • Jesus on The Rise of Anti-Christ

    HEALTH TOPIC: The Entertainment Trap

  • Jesus on The Rapture & The Battle of Armageddon

    12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tasty Homestyle Meal Provided
    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HEALTH TOPIC: Hearts on Fire: Quenching Diabetes and Obesity

  • Hearts on Fire: quenching diabetes and obesity

    presentation from Vicki Griffin

  • Jesus Solves Death's Mystery

    HEALTH TOPIC: Lessons on Loss

  • Revelation's 1000 Years

    HEALTH TOPIC: From Wanting to Winning

  • Revelation's Lake of Fire

    HEALTH TOPIC: Mind/Body Health Connections

  • Jesus on the River of Life

    12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tasty Healthy Meal Provided
    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HEALTH TOPIC: Keys to Victory: Staying the Course

  • Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

    presentation by Vicki Griffin

  • The Mark of the Beast

    HEALTH TOPIC: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

  • The USA in Bible Prophecy

    HEALTH TOPIC: The Great Sugar Scandal

  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    HEALTH TOPIC: Fat--Or Fiction?

  • The Bride, the Beast, & Babylon

    12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tasty Healthy Meal Provided
    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HEALTH TOPIC: Jesus on Faith & Fitness

  • Jesus on Faith & Fitness

    presentation by Vicki Griffin

  • Jesus on the End-Time Movement

    HEALTH TOPIC: Creating Connections

  • Revelation's Bitter Book; Sweet Message

    HEALTH TOPIC: The Vegetarian Edge

  • Jesus on End-Time Prophets

    HEALTH TOPIC: Thank You Power

  • Jesus on Heaven

    12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tasty Healthy Lunch Provided

  • Prophecy's End-Time Lamb: Jesus at the Cross & Beyond

    What is Jesus doing now?

  • Who are the 144,000?

  • Jesus on Armageddon & the Seven Last Plagues

    The 7 Last Plagues

  • Jesus on Life Without Hypocrisy: The Seven Churches of Revelation

    The Seven Churches

  • Jesus on the Unpardonable Sin

    The unpardonable sin

  • The Ram & the Goat: Daniel 7 & 8

    Daniel 7 & 8

  • An Investment You Can't Lose

Contact this Location

If you need transportation or any other assistance for attending this series in Brighton, MI, contact us with your request. We would be glad to help.